Sunday, 7 September 2014

London Personal Trainer Suggests Mixing Cardio and Strength Training

Initially, most people believe that the best way to lose weight would be to stick to cardiovascular exercises and to skip strength training exercises. After all, muscle is heavier than fat, right? Experts do not deny that cardio is a fantastic way to burn calories and trim one’s midsection. However, to truly burn fat efficiently, one must engage in both cardio and strength training.

Friday, 5 September 2014

London Boxing Personal Trainer: Habits that Supplement Your Training

Representing their country in international competitions is one of the highest honours any athlete can attain. Of course, to reach such a level skill, one must engage in intensive training. In many cases, the help of a trusted boxing personal trainer in London, such as one from Legends Boxing Gym, is required. After all, working one-on-one with a professional trainer allows a person to receive the instructions necessary to improve their performance by leaps and bounds. Of course, classes and personal training alone will only get you so far. To remain in peak condition, you should make sure your lifestyle supplements your training.